Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Rooting Around In My Dark Past for Some Damn Good Cherry Coke

I was raised in the heart of the Midwestern Rust Belt (and then spent summers there long after moving to Austin, TX and then New England). This, in part, explains why much of my early experience with alcohol involved such dubious delicacies as Boone’s Farm, “Mad Dog” 20/20 and Everclear. As I gained maturity (read: legal drinking age in the US*), however, I developed the fondness for fine wines and high quality spirits that has turned me into the Bar Fly.

Every once in a while, though, I find that rare new product that drags me temporarily back to my roots. This time, it was Evan Williams Cherry Reserve Bourbon. I had seen a mini bottle of this a couple of months ago on the checkout counter at one of my local liquor stores. Being ridiculously susceptible to impulse items, I bought a couple. Then I took it home and forgot about it.

Then, while I was out of town checking out The Ravens Club (more on that in a later post), the Booze Whisperer called and started raving about some “awesomely ghetto” (his words) cherry coke he had made. I came home to find the little bottles gone and promptly bought some more to sample this myself.

My first bit of advice, REMEMBER TO STIR. I had mixed it in a 1:2 bourbon to cola ratio and then stuck a straw in (hey - trying to recapture my youth). Then I made the mistake of just sucking down a big sip – not good. So, for those of you born pre-1985, think of that really gross cherry cough syrup your mom used to make you take as a kid and you pretty much have the taste down. When I smartened up and stirred it, however, I have to admit it was like those really good cherry cokes from an old fashioned malt shop – with just a hint of the bourbon. Yum!

So, when you’re feeling like a sweet drink to take you back to your youth - put on some Nirvana or Nine Inch Nails and sip one of these. I can almost smell the Aqua Net and RL Polo in the air…..

*For the record, I am in no way condoning underage drinking.

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